I would expect "Immunity" to appeal to the ages of between 15-30 year olds, as our film would be a 15 or an 18 age certificate. I wouldn't consider our film to have a lower age certificate because children under the age of 15 could get upset and frightened because of the scary content later on in the film.

I would expect "Immunity" to be appealing to all ethnicities since its an English film, I wouldnt expect foreigners to be intereted in our film since its a low budget English film, but I would consider Americans as a target audience for our film. I expect Americans to be interested becuase English horror films in the past have been successful in the US. 28 Days Later was a surprising success in the American box office with it taking $45 million dollors despite it only having limited release across the country. The Descent was another English horror film what had success in the US, on its debut weekend, The Descent grossed $8.8 million dollors and finished up taking around $26 million. This shows that Americans enjoy watching British horror films. But only if they have a decent budget. I wouldnt expect a low budget to appeal to Americans.
I would suspect that we would have more of a male audience as women prefer their romantic comedies. I think men would like our film becuase it has a suspense atmosphere in the opening sequence and in most horror films they have a similar sort of atmosphere. Women on the other hand probabily wont be interested. Women prefer to watch feel good films with a happy love story as men prefer more negative storylines.
I dont think that any other European countries would be a target audience becuase again they would probaily prefer big budget American films with well known actors. As ours on the otherhand has none of these.
We have used a young British male which may attract a bit of more of an audience as it will attract a female audience. It is also a safe bet because other males like to relate themselves to other males and see themselves more superior than a female taking a lead role in our film.
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